Extra Curricular Activities/Clubs

Our Clubs

Our school provides a vibrant platform for students to explore their interests, passions, and talents beyond the academic curriculum.

Simara Bhawanipur School alumni and former students association
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Our Alumni Club is a thriving and closely-knit community that brings together former students who have graduated from our institution. It serves as a platform for our alumni to reconnect, network, and stay engaged with the school even after they have moved on to new chapters in their lives. The Alumni Club fosters a sense of belonging and pride in our graduates by providing opportunities to share their experiences, achievements, and expertise with current students. Through a range of events, workshops, and mentorship programs, our alumni give back to the school community and contribute to the growth and success of the next generation. The club also acts as a valuable resource for career guidance, professional development, and job placements, creating a strong support system for both recent graduates and those with established careers. For became a member of this club please click below
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Shree Secondary School simara Bhawanipur SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION CLUB (STAIC)
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Our STAIC , The Science, Technology, and Innovation Club encourages students to stay updated with the latest developments in various scientific fields, including biology, chemistry, physics, computer science, and engineering. We also delve into emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, robotics, biotechnology, and renewable energy, providing our members with valuable insights into the future of science and its applications. For became a member of this club please click below
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The Debate club
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Welcome to our Debate Club, a forum where critical thinking, persuasive communication, and intellectual exchange thrive! As a member of our club, you'll have the opportunity to sharpen your debating skills, develop your ability to construct compelling arguments, and engage in thought-provoking discussions on a wide range of topics.
So, if you have a passion for critical thinking, a flair for rhetoric, or a desire to engage in meaningful discussions, the Debate Club is the perfect platform for you to thrive and make your voice heard. Join us, and let's embark on a journey of intellectual exploration and eloquent expression together! For became a member of this club please click below
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